This past semester I worked on a project for my Rhetorical Theory and Practice class. I was required to examine a topic prevalent to the 21st century. I chose to explore the concept of relative truth; a concept that has spread like wildfire in our culture. I had the privilege of interviewing several FSU students, getting their thoughts and ideas on the concept of truth. The responses were astounding. Most of the people believed that truth was relative in some way, shape or form. I even talked to a girl whom I perceived to be a Christian throughout the course of the interview, and I asked her if Islamic (or any other religion) beliefs are wrong. First, her friend, who wasn't a Christian, said that it's not our place to judge who's right and who's wrong. The Christian girl agreed and said that they're not wrong "just different." Now I find that to be discouraging and just sad. A girl who is claiming to be a Christian and knows Christ can't even say that Christianity is the only way. It makes you wonder if she's reading her Bible or if she even knows Jesus at all. The sad part is that she's not the only one. I'm sure there are many people who claim the name of Christ yet refuse the exclusivity of the gospel. They say, "Whatever way suits you best is the true way for you." Why aren't the Christians standing up for what's true? If we're reading our Bible we should know that there is only one way to God and Jesus is that one way. We shouldn't be afraid to say that someone else's beliefs are wrong. God's revealed to us the truth and we have the authority to stand on that truth. The gospel is absolute truth. There is no other way to God. There can't be. So, fellow Christians, will you stand up for the truth or will you, in your silence and passivity, help to advance the Devil's lie?