My Life |
In this land, I have not yet learned to be successful. As a student, success was not a problem. If I had a test, I would study and usually do well on it. If I had a paper to write, I would do my research and write it well. If I accomplished all this I would be successful. Though I have a lot to learn about the working world I do know that my success will not be measured in letter grades. So what's the rubric consist of in the working world? Competency? Reliability? People skills? The ability to sell myself? Hmm...I think the answer might be all of the above and then some. Employers want competent, reliable, hard-working employees who are confident and capable of building relationships.
You have to be growing in all of these areas to do well because no matter what you do all of these qualities are important. Being in school has taught me most, if not all, of these qualities. To make good grades, I had to be competent in the material I was learning, hard-working, and go to class regularly. I had to interact with the other students, working as a team to be successful. Knowing that I have the skills necessary to be successful in the work place should be a source of comfort to me but somehow the idea of establishing myself as an independent woman is still frightening and having to interact with others on a professional level is still a bit intimidating.
Despite these fears of the unknown world I am embarking on, I am excited to board the ship and get there. I am anxious to see all that God has in store for me in this next season of my life and don't want to let anything keep me from living in His perfect and providential will.